
  1. Are you certain the exhibition is the correct one if so book early to get the best site available?
  2. Book hotels early to obtain the best rates and locations etc.
  3. Appoint an exhibition stand design and project management company early to allow plenty of time for completion of visuals etc.
  4. Pass the exhibitors manual to the appointed company to ensure that deadlines for ordering services etc for the exhibition stand are not missed as this will result in extra cost.
  5. Decide graphic content early for production allowing plenty of time for the graphics to be sent with the exhibition stand if it has to be freighted.
  6. Appoint somebody within the company to liaise with the design and project Management Company. This will hopefully help to stop design by committee which is generally a disaster.
  7. How will you obtain details of visitors – bar code readers, collecting business cards etc.
  8. How do you propose to judge the success of exhibiting at this event?