The Look Of The New Stand

We have carved a special niche for ourselves and established ourselves in the art of exhibition stall designing worldwide. Our endeavour is to offer maximum satisfaction to clients.

The exhibition stand should be an extension of any media, advertising or branding that you have. It is always helpful to be provided with a brochure, some marketing literature or the annual report to help get a feel for the company. So include them with the brief.

Design is subjective, in order to get an idea of the kind of exhibition stand that you like it is often worthwhile noting details of three or four exhibition stands that you have seen and like. Not necessarily competitors or exhibition stands related to your industry - just give a few examples that you like: the color schemes, the graphics, audio visual items or the structural elements. Do you have access to any corporate images? Does your company have an image library? In larger companies, you may find that another cost centre has already spent hundreds or thousands of pounds on photography and used it once. It would make sense to use these images if possible.

If your company doesn’t have an image library it might benefit from one and we can build it for you - see more here brochures etc.- an area that is often overlooked for is copywriting. Have you got the graphics and copy text ready to go for the exhibition in question? Do you have the resources or skills to create and supply the text? If the answer to these questions is no, you will need a copywriter- we can provide this service if necessary.